Volunteer Projects
Below are phenomenal organization(s) that Sunrise Rotarians support by giving their time, energy, & resources (while wrangling in friends & family to do the same) to further the good work already being done.
Good Fellow / Good Samaritan
Good Fellows/Good Samaritans, Sunrise Rotary’s primary volunteer project, brings Christmas gifts to children in East Baton Rouge Parish whose families are not able to provide Christmas presents for them. Sunrise Rotarians assist with the purchase of the clothing, toys and books, and set up a temporary warehouse/distribution center for the gifts. After filling Christmas bags with presents for each child, members arrange for the school counselors to pick up the gifts so the counselors can bring the gifts to the children’s parents or guardians for distribution. Additionally, Sunrise Rotary provides financial support for Good Fellows/Good Samaritans.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Members of Sunrise Rotary volunteer at Christmas to ring bells for donations to Salvation Army. The money dropped into the red kettle goes right back into the local community to support those in need.
ReBuild Together Baton Rouge
Sunrise Rotary supports the work of ReBuild Together Baton Rouge as they work to focus on helping those most vulnerable to the rising cost of living and falling social service budgets. They aim to preserve affordable homes by providing free home repairs, improvements and senior living modifications to make homes safer and more accessible.